Thursday, January 29, 2009

*sigh* why do i put faith into things that aren't faithful..?

If i say it once i say it again...why do i put faith into things that aren't faithful...
i been saying this a lot lately...."i'm losing faith in men" and i feel its true sadly..

Most men in my dating age range seem to either be married, so fuked up from gettin
hurt by other women they can't feel any longer,or really really good at playin you...

Is there any real men left? This is tha question swirling around in my mind i'm tierd of games..
and people who claim to not play games yet thats all they do...its sad that you can't just
trust people and believe what they say.

I know it sounds wack but i can respect a man who says what his true intentions are
no matter how filthy they maybe...then its up to me as a women if i want to engage in that drama

LOL not high on my list of priorities you know...But that guy who tells you what you wanna hear
and then treats you like shit WTF is that shit??? pretty cowardly...and sometimes i feel like
more of a man than many men i talk too..Cuz i don't lead people on its wack!
anyways i'm done bitching n complaining LMAO!!! shieeettt off to bed..

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